The Art of Data Storytelling

Matthew O.
4 min readMar 23, 2022


Why is it important to communicate data effectively? — Here is why.

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction.
  2. How to Communicate Data Effectively.
  3. Why is Data Storytelling Important?
  4. Conclusion.


The concept of storytelling is intriguing. Imagine turning an idea or an experience into a narrative — bringing the idea to life and making it more interesting. Stories inspire thoughts and reveal insights that could probably not be properly articulated. However, storytelling is often overlooked in data-driven processes because we think it’s a simple activity, but we don’t realize is that even the most interesting tales can be rendered meaningless if they aren’t presented properly. This article, however, aims to explore the art of telling stories with data, and why it’s important to communicate data effectively. Let’s dive right in:

How to Communicate Data Effectively

Storytelling, in general, is one of the oldest forms of communication and information sharing. The Epic of Gilgamesh, the world’s earliest written narrative, was composed about 2000 BC. Since then, storytelling has continued to develop and evolve, becoming as natural as breathing.

Nowadays, it is nearly impossible to share knowledge without first transforming facts into a narrative. Writers seldom provide pure facts; instead, they enrich them with the reasoning, motives, conflicts, and resolutions of their characters, and data analysts may use the same strategy with raw data. As a data professional, you can create a whole story utilizing Business Intelligent tools, which are becoming more accessible with the introduction of professional data visualization consultant providers.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Data has the capacity to affect choices at every level of an organization. That impact, however, does not arise by chance; it is established through time.
Demonstrating the value of data and advocating data in your business requires context, and the greatest context is a compelling narrative.

Even if you’re a seasoned data consultant, writer, or public speaker, developing and presenting a captivating data story may be difficult. It takes talent to combine the technical, analytical, and exact nature of data with the delicacy, structure, and narrative of storytelling. But trying to describe the effect data may have, without a story, is a hard struggle. So, what can we do to tell a terrific story?

i. Share One Story at a Time: Each story should be told one at a time.
When presenting your insights, make a decision on the tale you’ll tell and stick to it! Sure, as data professionals, we could provide hundreds of instances of how we might improve things — or entertain our audience with our day-to-day combat stories. However, it’s best to choose one story that supports your point of view and stay with it.

ii. Know Your Audience: Data and the procedures that surround it may be a complicated and difficult subject to discuss. As a result, we have a propensity to try to overload our viewers with technical jargon and inside allusions to show that we know what we’re talking about at the very least. Using that terminology gets in the way of telling the story you truly want to tell. Using language suited for your target audience will help you communicate your message in fewer words and with less ambiguity.

iii. Rehearse: Just like with any skill, mastering data storytelling takes time. It needs practice — and a dedication to continuous progress. Take the time to perfect your delivery. Make sure you’re comfortable with the terminology you’re using to explain each section of the story; if you’re fumbling or tripping over phrases, try using simpler language. Look for opportunities to change the sequence of slides or talking points. Practice in front of peers to ensure that the narrative tells a story. Inquire as to how they were hooked or lost interest. What portions of your performance truly struck a chord with the audience? I’m sure their input would definitely get you going forward!

Why is Data Storytelling Important?

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Stories have always been powerful vehicles for conveying human experience. As a data professional, you would find it hard to convince stakeholders of what you’ve done without telling a compelling story, no matter how good your research is or how high-quality your data is. Hence, analysts must find a means to convey the most important results of an analysis in a story in a concise and succinct manner.


A good data narrative may have a huge influence on how businesses make choices and how successful or unsuccessful they become. So, while you have the best technical analysis for a data project, the lack of proper storytelling might have a damaging effect on your initiative.

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  1. Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash
  2. Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
  3. Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

